FINALLY, we made it to the zoo! Took a few weeks between getting settled in at school and having the wrong date on the groupon, but the day came and it was amazing! Got off to a rocky start at first though. The guys were lazy about getting up in the morning so we took the 12 o'clock bus, the only problem was that I knew where we were going, but not what stop it was. I had the second bus number and the time and that's about it. We don't have public transportation in my town. Luckily the boys were smart enough to be able to read a map and get us to currumbin. Unfortunately we missed the second bus and had to wait for the next one. By the time we arrived it was 2pm and the ropes course last group was at 3 so we rushed over to get our 2:30 spot.
They gave us some pretty cool outfits to act like monkeys climbing and swinging from the trees.
There was zip lining...
And tunnels...
And sooo much more!! (for more pics look on facebook)
Most importantly were the animals, first stop was the kangaroos...
The largest crocodile in the southern hemisphere...
the cutest koalas...
And even a tazmanian devil and a dingo!
The most important part is that at the end of the day we survived the rope course and got to pet a if only we weren't late to hold a koala :(