You apply and if you get the call you receive little to no information.
Day or night shoot? ...I don't know
Interior or exterior? ...I don't know
Walk away lunch?...I don't know
With all those questions unanswered you can't plan anything ahead of time and basically have to sit and wait till midnight to find out that they want you dressed in heels, hair and makeup on a bus at 5am.
Sometimes you get the answers to those questions but then there's the complicated wardrobe information. You never really know what they're looking for because what ever you do or bring to get ready, they will change it. The best is when they book you im advanced and you are all excited because you no longer have to apply for work and then they send you the wardrobe notes the day before and you don't have any of it.
They get mad when you cancel and evenoread when you cancel because you don't have the wardrobe they want that they never told you im the first place. They are however nice if you at least bring options to set so that's the biggest thing to know. If you bring options they'll be nice to you even if they don't use them.
Holding- be prepared to sit in a tiny room with a bunch of other people who have carried over their closets to set. You will not have room for yourself or your personal items and people will be fighting for the outlets the entire time. Background is also always concerned with food and are like animals who have never seen food or water and the minute they get a wiff they pounce. Sometimes you luck out and get catered lunch and occasionally breakfast. Those are the best days because that means you can actually continue your diet.
SAG vs. Non Union-
You will be separated by tables and food areas but ultimately treated the same. However you as a non Union will be fully aware of how much less you are making and how your basic human rights are unacknowledge. So the goal is to suck it up and pray for your 3 wavers. But once you get them you'll have to pay 3 thousand dollars and then another 100 twice a year. Oh and you'll still be doing the same thing, just less often and making more money.
Tomorrow I'll discuss the experience on set, but for now my cattle herder is calling me...