Saturday, December 15, 2012

Last week on the Gold Coast

Our last night at CBD, predrinks at the Reserve where we didn't know a sole and then to the bar for the very last time. It was packed with law students celebrating the end of their finals and Americans saying goodbye. I had a very unfortunate encounter with a guy who I had only met once and basically was extremely rude to me the entire time (save details for later) luckily I had friends help me get him off my case.

Holly's End of Semester BASH! Our last party at Holly's before we all head home (everyone except Holly). It was the end and yet when I walked in I still didn't know a soul. It was a great time and I got to spend the night saying bye to friends and meeting people I would never see again.
Only starting our walk to the shores and her bottle crashed and burned...not a good start to the night.

                                                           Good bye to HOLLY...

                                                           good bye to SWEDES....

                                and goodbye to GAV, I hope to visit you in Mauritius one day!!
Officially the last night at BOND where I packed up my room, gave anything I couldn't take home to Elin and went out for one last time! The party was Christmas themed so we went all out. I ended up being too tired to make it to Don's for the last time to say bye to everyone I hadn't seen all week, but I was with my girls and that's all I needed.
To Elin and Jane my experience here would have not been the same without you, i'm so happy we got to spend these 3 months together and I cant wait to see you guys in the states in the future!

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